Hasek OK after car crash

Archived from 1998-99 season.

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Big sigh of relief was heard in Buffalo when it was clear that goalie Dominik Hasek was not injured after he drove off the road near his hometown of Pardubice, Czech Republic.

Hasek apparently lost control of his Ferrari at a sharp corner on a rural road about 40 miles east of Prague. Hasek escaped injury, but his car suffered more than $3,000 worth of damage.

Local police said alcohol was not involved in the accident. The daily Mlada Fronta Dnes reported that Hasek was fined $30 for speeding.

"We have spoken to Dominik and his agent. Dominik thankfully is OK and it was a minor fender-bender," Mike Gilbert, the Sabres senior director of communications, said. "He's OK. He was able to drive away from the scene."

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